Friday 3 February 2012

Mondays are Red in Waterstones

I'm uncomfortable about the dominance of Amazon. As someone who is doing some self-publishing, I have no choice but to use them and, of course, I cannot pretend for one moment to be disappointed by the income I get from them. Mixed feelings, then. They provide enormous opportunities but they are also trying to rule the world, which I don't like. Despite what I might sometimes say, I don't even want to rule it myself.

So (or however) I am delighted to tell you that I have taken steps, purely out of principle and knowing that it's going to be a cost at first and almost certainly not make me any money to speak about, to make the ebook of Mondays are Red available through Waterstones.

Because I have also made it available through Gardner's, it will soon be available to borrow from public libraries. Hooray! And, though this is less interesting to me, and probably you, it is also on Tesco. And Book Depository

I'd love you to buy from Waterstones! They actually contacted me asking if I'd supply to them and I'm delighted that I managed to, thanks to the clever people at

If you've read and enjoyed Mondays are Red, I'm delighted. People have said lovely things and it has fab reviews. It's amazing when anyone takes the trouble to do that. Less amazing was the 2* one I got for WAGSynopsis from someone who said she'd love to order the book as she really needed it but she didn't have a Kindle, so she couldn't, but she was giving it 2 stars! The review has vanished now - I didn't ask for it to be taken down, honest! I thought it was quite funny, actually.

Remember: Next week is going to be PITCH PITCH week - a whole week of daily pitch paragraphs for you to comment on! Thanks to the brave writers who've pitched - I hope and trust they will hugely benefit from the feedback.


David John Griffin said...

Hi Nicola, I'm really pleased for you that Mondays are Red is getting more exposure, so well deserved. :-)

Anonymous said...

PLEASE avoid Tesco if at all possible--we're trying to keep them out of our mediaeval village centre right now! And you think Amazon wants to rule the world?

Nicola Morgan said...

anon - it wasn't a choice, really. I supply to Gardner's, a huge supplier which happens to supply to Tesco. My only reason for doing it was because they supply to Askews, the only way into libraries! But I agree, i could have not mentioned it. But frankly, why would anyone choose to buy from Tesco when there are other choices?

Jesse Owen said...

Yay, on getting Mondays are Red more exposure :D