Friday, 6 May 2011


Are you on Twitter? If you are, and if you tweet nicely, I have an opportunity for you. If you're not on Twitter but are thinking about it, or you are but aren't really sure what you're doing there or why, I am planning something for you, too. Gosh, I'm kind to you!

For that latter category of Twitter virgins and novices: I am writing a bookette about why and how to use Twitter, growing from some blogposts I did about it some time ago and which gained a great response. I will be self-publishing it as an ebook when it's ready.

For those of you who are already tweeting away: at the end of the book I want to list a whole load of friendly, useful people to follow on Twitter, so I thought I'd give you all the chance, if you wish, to pitch a tiny bit about yourselves and be added to the list.

Please note: I reserve the right to be selective. So, who am I likely to ignore?
  • purely commercial organisations, apart from bookshops; if you tweet personally, that's fine but please make your pitch reflect this
  • anyone who I think won't contribute to the positive Twitter experience of my readers
  • spammers
  • hyper-self-promoters - if I read your tweets and feel that the vast majority of them are plugging yourself rather than engaging, I will ignore you
  • Also, please do NOT include any links - if people want to find you they can go to your Twitter page and find any website there.
NB: if I am inundated, I will have to be even more selective.  So, take time to pitch yourself wisely, bearing in mind that this list is supposed to be a service to people reading the book, and that the book is aimed at people on Twitter as individuals or self-employed (rather than businesses) and those genuinely interested in other people.

Here's what to do. Start with your chosen category (list below), then your Twitter name, then no more than twenty words about you. Put it in a comment below. That's it! Please set it out exactly as per my example below, otherwise I will be crabbit.

Here's my example:
Writer: Published Author - @nicolamorgan - Writes, speaks & blogs. Award-winning author of 90 books. Aka The Crabbit Old Bat, who blogs crabbitly for aspiring writers. [Then put title of book in brackets, as per instruction below]
CATEGORIES - please pick one only, even if several apply:
If you fall into two or more categories, simply refer to the others within your blurb, if you wish. Eg if you've chosen the category "Writer - Published Author", you might say within your blurb, "Romantic novelist, also reviews books on blog..." or "Children's writer, also freelance journalist..." If you aren't sure what category to choose (though it IS your choice) then ask in a comment.
NB For writers, you'll notice I'm being strict about which category of writer you are in. I don't mean to be divisive about this but it's for the benefit of people reading the book and choosing who to follow. It's factual, not judgmental. Don't accuse me of not respecting quality self-publishing - after all, I'm about to do it myself for this book!

Writers: Published Author - if you have had (or have a deal for) at least one book published by a selective publisher. This does not include setting up your own publishing company to publish your book - not that there's anything wrong with that, but this category is specifically for traditionally published, selected writers. (Please add the name of one of your eligible books after your blurb - ie that's not counted in the word count but is for my information.)

Writers: Self-published - if you have published yourself (and this must be for a paid-for book, not a free ebook) or set up a company for the purpose, or if you have paid anything towards the cost of publication.

Writers: Freelance - if you make money from writing eg articles or short-stories and are regarded as self-employed for tax purposes.

Aspiring writers - if you are working towards becoming one of the above.

Arts organisation

Writing magazine  / other resource

Working in publishing industry - eg editor, agent, marketing expert

Bookshop - please say what country you are in

Writing as a hobby - and if you also have a paid occupation, do say if you wish in your blurb

Other creatives - eg artist, musician, jewellery designer

Book reviewers or bloggers - whether professionally or as a hobby

Self-employed - in a different capacity from anything mentioned above; obviously you can then say what you do in your blurb, if you wish

Nice, friendly and fun - because you may feel this is your main reason for being on Twitter, and you are most welcome!

Is there another category you think should be there?

Now, please add yourself to the comments below and then do go and follow each other if you're not already doing so. It doesn't matter whether you're new to Twitter or an old hand - all levels are welcome. Just tweet nicely and positively.

Please note: I make no guarantee or promise to include anybody at all in this book. It is possible (though unlikely) that the whole idea of a list of tweeters will be unwieldy or for some other reason undesirable. However, if that happens, at least you'll all be recorded below this post and people can come and find you here. Simples.


Kirsty said...

Aspiring Writer - @kirstyes Hoping to have drafted her first novel by the end of 2011, might help to spend less time tweeting!

Nicola Morgan said...

Hooray! Well done, Kirsty - you're in! Now, get writing, eh?

Suzy Turner said...

What a great idea!! Heres mine:
Writers: self published @Suzy_turner
Suzy is the author of Raven (YA urban fantasy). She loves meeting people on twitter & facebook.

Lesley Cookman said...

Writer: Published Author - @LesleyCookman Author of the Libby Sarjeant mystery series. Also secretly romance writer. Occasional blogger and feature writer. [Murder to Music, eighth in the series]

Unknown said...

Aspiring writer - @effiemerryl writes short stories & more. A former detective with vast experience – a useful tool. Offers free advice to fellow writers.

Steven Chapman said...

Aspiring writer: – @schapmanwriter – Horror/thriller author, who has been abusing the English language since 1984. Tries to blog ‘useful’ writing advice from time to time.

Nicola Morgan said...

Louise - Indie Author wasn't a category! Can you help me out by saying whether you mean Published or Self-published? If self-published you don't need to name the book in brackets though you can within the blurb if you wish.

I won't have time to untangle any others but I'm giving you a chance because you're nice and friendly! If you do your pitch again, you can delete your first one and I'll delete my response. Sorry to be picky but I'm going to have to sort everything into categories afterwards and I can only do it if people use my specified categories.

Rupert Neil Bumfrey said...

If you have not already included, dare I suggest emphasis be placed on management of account through:

Plus for qualitative analysis:

Looking forward to downloading finished document.

Linda said...

Writer: Published Author - @strachanlinda - Writes, speaks & blogs. Award-winning author of 60 books for all ages-tots to teens & a writing handbook for aspiring children's writers (Writing for Children)

Great idea, Nicola!

Stroppy Author said...

Writer: Published Author - @annerooney Writes children's fiction, non-fiction for anyone; blogs as StroppyAuthor encouraging authors to be assertive, informed and take no crap.

Book - does it matter which? How about Off the Rails, Evans

no said...

Writer: Published Author - @bluepootle - also known as Aliya Whiteley, writer of comedy novels, columnist and blogger with a vegetable obsession.

Book - Light Reading.

Thank you!

Helen Collard said...

Aspiring writer: @HC_Illustrator Published Illustrator, over ambitious children's writer drafting seven animal mad, magic novels. Distracted by internet and life. Blogger & coffee addict.

Katherine Langrish said...

Great idea - here's me:

Writer: Published Author @KathLangrish writes, blogs & tweets on children's/YA fantasy, fairytales & myths [Troll Fell, West of The Moon, Dark Angels]

Alison Morton said...

Aspiring Writer - @alison_morton - Writes alternative history thrillers. Translator and property finder by day, writer by night. Blogs about experience as a newbie writer.

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea - picked up on Twitter - obviously. Here's my entry.
Aspiring writer @AliBacon - hopes to land a novel deal soon. Long-standing blogger won over by Twitter. Loves an audience. Expect the unexpected.

Kate Harrison said...

Writer: published author @KateWritesBooks Rom com & YA novelist. Tweets about genre bending, Brighton, Barcelona, procrastination & whatever takes her fancy. (The Secret Shopper's Revenge)

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the bookette, Nicola; when it comes to tweeting I think I need all the help I can get!

Aspiring Writer - @GemmaVarnom. Working on her latest novel and the occasional short story whenever she manages to tear herself away from Twitter and the biscuit tin.

Simon Whaley said...

Writer: Published Author - @simonwhaley. Bestselling author and award-winning writer. Creative-writing tutor, blogger and contributor to writing magazines. Budding humorous novelist.

[100 Ways For A Dog To train Its Human]

HelenMWalters said...

Writer: Freelance - @hmhunt – Writer of short stories for women’s magazines, articles and book reviews. Blogs about reading, writing and cats.

jonathan pinnock said...

Writer: Published Author - Writes software and fiction. Usually manages to keep the two apart. [Mrs Darcy versus the Aliens]

green ink said...

What a cool idea! Found via Twitter!

Aspiring writer - @green_ink when not training for marathons Philippa is trying to finish her first novel! Wishes she could run & write at the same time.

Kirsty Logan said...

Writer: Freelance - @kirstylogan - Fiction writer, literary magazine editor, book reviewer, intern. Working on first novel and story collection.

GillyF said...

Writer: Published author @GillyFraser. Romantic fiction with Mills & Boon as Rachel Elliot. Freelance journalist, I also do talks, PR, dvd production and radio shows - favourite topics horses & dogs. Not often crabbit but reserve the right to be!

Louise Wise said...

OK. Sorry!! I can't delete my original(no link to let me).

Here's another go (trust me to get it wrong, always one, eh?)

Self-published author - @louise_wise is a writer of chicklit. Loves blogging, chocolate, Corrie and vodka. Vodka, the essence of good writing!

Nick Daws said...

Writer: Freelance - @nickdaws - UK-based professional writer, editor and writing teacher. Author of over 100 non-fiction books, plus articles, courses and short stories.
[Start Your Own Home-Based Business]

Anonymous said...

What a great thing to do. I'd love to join in if I may:

Writer:Self-published @CrystalJigsaw author of paranormal romance, Discovery at Rosehill. Loves to blog and is addicted to social networking.

Ellen Brickley said...

Aspiring writer - @EllenBrickley. Editing my novel, planning the next one and tweeting the journey (among other stuff!).

catdownunder said...

Aspiring writer @catdownunder purrlays on Twitter,blogs and writes adventure for 9-12yr olds. Hoping to catch an agent mouse soon!

Sarah Ketley said...

Aspiring Writer - @sarahketley Eclectic taste loving YA Historical, Steampunk, adventure and contemporary. I retweet helpful writing blogs and daily musings of my journey.

Anonymous said...

Writer: self-published Tasmanian @pruebatten Writes fantasy and historical fiction whilst fending off two mad Jack Russells and telling husband #amwriting and too busy to help on farm.

Janet O'Kane said...

Aspiring writer - @janetokane Editing my first crime novel. Avid reader, movie fan, chicken enthusiast and recent weight-training convert. Also studying for OU degree.

Anthony Hodgson said...

Aspiring writer @ahodgson72 following a life long dream with my first book. Tweets about my family and what annoys me.

Delia Lloyd said...

Writer - Freelance - @realdelia. American journalist/blogger living in London. I tweet regularly about current events in US and UK as well as about the writing life.

Nicola Morgan said...

Wow, fab response, tweeps! And you are all behaving so perfectly.

But where are all the non-writers?? Am I ONLY followed by writery people? No wonder my Twitter life is so fun.

Jacqueline Pye said...

Greetings, Nicola not-scary Morgan.
Writer: Freelance - @JacquelinePye Many articles published, more pending. Happy cook/reader/writer/comper/jug collector. Love Twitter for fun, advice, ideas and chatting.

Ann Goldberg said...

Writers:freelance @anngol blogs and writes essays and articles about life in Israel, travel, parenting, grandparenting for publications the world over and online.

Noree Cosper said...

Aspiring Writer - @velveteclipse Drafting her third novel (urban fantasy) with hopes of publication. Writing a story on twitter, 140 character at a time.

Dan Holloway said...

Writer: self-published @agnieszkasshoes award-winning spoken word performer, blogger, reviewer, champion of gritty fiction, social media columnist, coordinator of collaborative multi-arts projects

Rebecca Brown said...

Aspiring writer - @rebeccaebrown Juggling writing my first YA novel(s) with sleepless nights, small babies and a sense of humour.

Really looking forward to reading this Twitter book. I'm not sure I use it enough so I'll be picking up some tips. ;-)

Unknown said...

Writer: Published @liz_fenwick commercial women's fiction, expat- Dubai, London, Cornwall (spends most of my life on plane), blogs about writing and my crazy life, on the RNA PR team and runs their blog

(The Cornish House 2012)

Great idea

Julie Cohen said...

Writer: Published Author - @julie_cohen Author of commercial women's fiction and romance, and writing tutor. Blogs and tweets about writing struggles, writing craft, parenthood, shoes and wine. [Getting Away With It]

Looking forward to seeing the book, Nicola.

Katrina Germein said...

Writer:Published Author @katrinagermein
Friendly. Writes picture books and enjoys reading in the sun. Lives in Australia. Published internationally. Imperfect parent of excellent kids.

Lucy Beresford said...

Writer: Published Author @lucyberesford Baking and eating cupcakes having just finished 2nd novel about them. Agony Aunt, yoga phobic, flamenco fan. Confused!

(Something I'm Not)


Katrina Germein said...

Oops. Forgot the book title - (Big Rain Coming)

Dan Holloway said...

Arts organisation @eightcuts underground interdisciplinary arts space merging virtual and real projects, exhibitions and shows.

Merric Davidson said...

Writing magazine - @thenewwritermag - quarterly magazine of creative writing launched in UK in 1996; short fiction, contemporary poetry, features, news, reviews and market news.

Unknown said...

Working in publishing industry @Zoe_CF: Job title - a bit of everything. I'm learning tonnes in a changing industry and sharing all that I can!

Rachel said...

Aspiring writer: @theWriteRach - Writing short stories and first novel. Also journalist. Runs writing workshops for people experiencing mental illness. Loves theatre, dogs & handbags.

Angela said...

Freelance Writer @amebuckley Writes about social and family history. Lover of all things Victorian. Aspires to publish historical fiction - first novel finished!

Jayne said...

Aspiring writer: – @jayneferst – Writing first novel. I whisk into a phone-booth on the commute home from work and emerge as Writer Woman.


Great idea!

Mike Jarman said...

Excellent idea Nicola!

Nice, friendly and fun - @mikejarman Book loving old codger and Baker to literary stars.
Fascinated in Laurence Sterne, Classic Cars, Beer, outdoors, and wine - not necessarily in that order

Yes, I know it's too long, but I'm working!

Anonymous said...

Aspiring Writer - @MireyahWolfe - Perpetual drafter, professional procrastinator, I tweet about bunnies, books, and boys. People seem to think I'm funny but I'm pretty sure they don't really exist. O_O

Essie Fox said...

Soon to be published historical novelist @essie fox - loves writing, blogging, tweets too much!

(The Somnambulist,published by Orion books in May 2011).

Great idea Nicola!

Nicola Morgan said...

OK, Mike, let's imagine I'm your editor, shall we??

Here's the same pitch in 20 words:
Book-loving codger; baker to literary stars. Fascinated in Laurence Sterne, Classic Cars, Beer, outdoors, wine - not necessarily in that order.


And I'm not doing that for anyone else but you do make exceedingly good cakes!

maryom said...

Book bloggers - @ourbookrvws husband and wife team reading/reviewing just about anything

gillianjustgraduated said...

Aspiring Writer - @destroythenight A university graduate in English literature whose love of the written word has miraculously remained intact despite those evil essays.

Rhiannon said...

Writer: Published Author - @rhi_lassiter - YA author of SF, magical realism and fantasy. Tweets about life the universe and everything. [Hex]

Steve said...

Other creatives - @CdLCreative - London-based amateur photographer and professional geek. Likes walking, travel, food and frittering away time online.

(also, but couldn't squeeze this into 20 words, co-author of two reference books published many moons ago)

Liam said...

Bookshop - UK - @scottishbooks Promoting Scottish books, authors and publishing with a range of features, articles and interviews

Tracy said...

Love this idea!

Writers: Freelance writer/photographer & aspiring fiction author @kittencaboodle. Tweets too much, reads too much when she should be writing and drinks too much tea. Loves laughter, silliness and turkish delight. Funny (haha, not peculiar).

Mel said...

Aspiring Writer - @writermels Writes crime thrillers and grit lit books. Uses twitter as virtual office, dipping in and out on coffee breaks. Well, that's what I tell myself. Lover of shoes hence blog name of High Heels and Book Deals.

Jean said...

Writer: Published Author - @jeandavisonTDT - Blogs, tweets, speaks, also writes articles & To Do lists. Author of a mental health memoir (The Dark Threads).

Nina Killham said...

Thank you for this. What a great idea.

Writers: Published Author @ninakillham Novelist and blogger, also Sunday painter, obsessive mother, belligerent wife, failed Buddha. Tweets/blogs about writing and life in London.

Nina Bell said...

Writer: Published author (Sphere) of 4 family dramas about the way people manipulate each other and the triumph of hope over experience. Tweeting is the 'water cooler' moment in the solitary (ish) life of a writer.

Oscar Windsor-Smith said...

Writer: Freelance @OscarWindsor Short stories and articles in print and online. Blogs about the industry and life. Occasionally reviews books.

Anonymous said...

Aspiring Writer - @JoannaCannon Doctor by day (and sometimes night). Enjoys writing something other than prescriptions. Owned by German Shepherd.

Mary Hoffman said...

Writer: Published Author - @MARYMHOFFMAN - Writes, speaks & blogs. Award-winning author of 90 + books for children and YA.Blogs as The Book Maven about writing and the book industry [Stravaganza, David, Amazing Grace]

Unknown said...

I am such a twitter klutz, but here you go...
Aspiring Writer: @NickySchmidt1 YA fiction writer, freelance writer & photographer with a wolfish streak and a passion for vanilla (anything but the plain variety).

Anonymous said...

Aspiring Writer - @NettieWriter Have sold several short stories, working on a kids' book about a Glaswegian Pirate Nanny, enjoys blethering.

Sarah Hilary said...

Aspiring Writer - @sarah_hilary Award-winning short story author, recently signed by UK's leading crime agent, knocking first novel into shape & blogging about the experience

Sally Zigmond said...

Writer. Published author. @SallyZig.Writes historical romance, also short stories. Blogs about the art and craft of writing.

(Hope against Hope)

Anonymous said...

Aspiring writer - @levparikian - Conductor by night, writer by day; foodie, lounger & cricket-lover the rest of the time. Bad at writing short biographies.

Leanne Richards said...

Writer: Freelance @leanne_richards Writer of blogs, articles and magazine features. Aspiring novelist who blogs about writing, freelancing and books. Easily distracted by Twitter.

Beth Kemp said...

Writer: Published Author @bethkemp Teacher publishing teaching resources; also working on children’s and YA fiction and blogging on books, writing and folklore.

[AS AQA English Language A Student’s Book, Nelson Thornes]

Nicola, I’m not sure if I count as published. I’ve rewritten this several times, and am now being bold and declaring myself published, but if you feel ‘aspiring writer’is more appropriate, that’s fine with me!

Vanessa said...

Bookshop - @EdinBookshop. Vanessa Robertson owns and runs The Edinburgh Bookshop. Twittering from the front-line of bookselling - sometimes sarky, occasionally grumpy but frequently friendly.

Nicola Morgan said...

Beth - you're published ;)

Ronae Jull said...

Aspiring Writer - @JRRSEhopeCoach. Prolific blogger covering the heavy issues facing moms of teens and adult children,working on publishing a collection within six months. Enjoy engaging with amazing and inspiring women (and men!) on Twitter and offering Hope to fellow humans!

Sulci Collective said...

Writer: Self-published @21stScribe Literary punster and pontificator, performer, fictioneer and far. Manages kids football team and works in NGO freedom of expression world. Tweets up a steam

Unknown said...

Writer/Book Reviewer/Freelance Articles - @JessicaMaybury publishes flash in the online scene and reviews books for magazines. She's obsessed with her blog :) And extremely social!

Debs Riccio said...

Aspiring Writer and book blogger - @DebsJRiccio - written 5 books (3 teenage, two adult...not 'that kind' of adult), had 2 short stories and 1 poem published (does that make me 'published', Nicola?) consummate self-doubter, deletes more than she writes. Laughs in the face of adversity and agental rejections.

Nicola Morgan said...

Debs - congrats for getting your stories and poem published (more than I did before I had books pubbed!) but by the definition of this exercise, no, because it's not a book. But your blurb is ideal and interesting anyway.

Sarah Tokeley said...

Nicola, don't want to clog up your comments but wanted to say a big thank you for doing this. Twitter terrifies me, I don't know why, but I know it would be a really useful tool. Once your bookette is out I'll have no excuse :)

Margo Kirtikar Phd said...

Hi Nicola and thank you for this
Self published author&spiritual teacher. I blog&write self help books. I'm trying to get my book to as many readers out there as possible by tweeting! @margokirtikar. My blog is mindempowermentdotnetslashblog. My mission in life is to help people on the path of evolution. I live in Switzerland.

C said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erin said...

Writers Freelance - @catespace2 & Aspiring Novelist, looking for agent for humorous novel titled OPRAH, PLEASE ADOPT ME. Networking through Twitter & trying to provide a laugh, helpful tip or inspirational quote for my fellow writers in 140 characters or less.

Darcy Drake said...

Aspiring Writer - @drcydrke - Sitting in her castle and plotting her revenge! Against what, she isn't quite sure, but it'll be spectacular. Blogs and writes about aliens, romance, zombies, and coffee.

Marshall Buckley said...

How could I not join in?

Aspiring author - @MarshallBuckley Writer of Urban Fantasy/Sci-Fi. IT Geek by day but hides it well - happy to help with tech woes.

M Louise Kelly said...

Aspiring Writer - @mllouisekelly Writing Children's and Young Adult Fiction. Finished one novel. Writing second. Have notes for 10 more. Thought I would mainly tweet about the art and science of language and literature but too easily led into frivolous nonsense.

Ian Skidmore said...

Hi Nicola - love the idea

Aspiring Writer - @IanJSkidmore - drafting alternative history novel; trying to fit more blogging / tweeting in around creative writing MA. Occasional IT consultant and actor.

Also looking forward to WTBP arriving in June...


IanBontems said...

Aspiring Writer - @Ibontems – Mild-mannered geeky librarian who spends his evenings writing children’s fantasy and horror novels. Also plays badminton.

CarlyB said...

Book blogger - @carlybennett - A South Western young adult book blogger who also loves pesto, eyeliner and bad horror movies.

Nicola Morgan said...

Sarah - you are not at all clogging up the comments. thank you!

But the same cannot be said about the people who can't read the simple instructions. 20 words, guys, 20 words after the twitter name, (not counting the bracketed book title.) How much clearer could it be? I even gave an example and said layout had to be exactly the same. gah. *mops brow*

Steve Bilton said...

Aspiring Writer - @stevenefc Eng Lit graduate writing first novel with gusto aswell as teaching, tweeting and drinking coffee. Hope to share experiences!

Anonymous said...

Writers: Published translator (just to be different)- @Lucy13Byatt - Tweets and blogs about books, author interviews,languages, Italy, local interest, history and historical fiction (yes, you guessed, aspiring author). (The Lost Michelangelos out this month)

Anonymous said...

And, several hours too late, I realise I am a numpty who apparently can't count to twenty. 'It's been a long week' is my only excuse. I'll try this again, but no worries if I've permanently disqualified myself...

Aspiring Writer - @GemmaVarnom. Working on short stories and her latest novel whenever she can tear herself away from Twitter and the biscuit tin.

Lucinda said...

Sorry, don't know why it came out as Textline - it should be Lucy Byatt. Also realised that I just assumed that translator would count, but if not you could put me down as Apiring Writer (in my own capacity!)

jonathan pinnock said...

I'll try agin. D'oh.

Writer: Published Author - @jonpinnock Writes software and fiction. Usually manages to keep the two apart. [Mrs Darcy versus the Aliens]

Trevor said...

Writer: Self Published Author of Children's Fiction including Peggy Larkin's War (Writing as Trevor Forest) @tbelshaw Easily distracted by Twitter and Facebook. Coffee addict.

JO said...

Twitter virgin here - with a son-in-law who keeps telling me I ought to 'do it' but with no clear explanation as to why. So this is just to say that this is just the book I need - then I can decide what I want for myself!

Clair Humphries said...

Aspiring writer - @clairhumphries - writes romantic comedy with happy endings. Had short stories and humorous articles published. Likes Jane Austen, cake and cardigans.

Sulci Collective said...

Ooops, apologies, went to 23 words! Too wordy, needs editing (same as it ever was) -

Writer: Self-published @21stScribe Literary punster and pontificator, performer, fictioneer and far. Manages kids football team and works in NGO freedom of expression world.

AudryT said...

Writer: Freelance - @AudryT – Corrupts youth with YA, ran a comics publisher for the free manga, mad experimenter, serial addict.

C said...

Nice, friendly and fun - @sleepycatt - crazy, beer loving flirt who loves to read, write, sew and knit, drink tea and play scrabble. Lots.

Jan Jones said...

Writer: Published Author - @janjonesauthor - Romantic novelist, runs RNA events, also writes short stories for womag market, and poems for herself. Blogs about all these. [Fortunate Wager]

Cath Donald said...

Nice, friendly and fun - @catrad - working mum, card maker, scrapbooker, generally crafty, blogger, cat lover, wine drinker and chocoholic. Also a lover of Twitpic!

Stephen Kozeniewski said...

Writer: Aspiring Writer - @outfortune - Pretend novelist and real-life clinical assistant for alcoholic soldiers. I throw out an outrageous fortune cookie (or two) daily.

Unknown said...

Nice, Friendly and Fun - @caitlynnicholas also published author (Romantic Suspense, Secret Intentions) blogger, exasperated parent, ranter, raver, drinker of tea, worst baker of cakes ever seen

Stacey said...

Blogger & Book Reviewer -@svmitche A mummy blogger hoping to turn a blog into an occupation. Also nice, friendly and fun, but don't tell anyone!!

Steven Chapman said...

No more than twenty words after username? Whoops, I'll change mine then...

spiring writer: – @schapmanwriter – Horror/thriller author, who has been abusing the English language since 1984. Tries to blog ‘useful’ writing advice from time...

dandeliongirl said...

Aspiring Writer - @dandeliongirl01 Writing children/ YA books, usually with distracting, demanding toddler! Blogs, reviews and spends far too much time on twitter. Hello!

Bob Webb said...

Bob said
Arts Organisation @Humphclinker write and perfom our own and other's scripts. New to twitter.Is it an art form?

Michelle Sutton said...

Stumbled across this... (Hope I've done this right)

Other creatives: @Jediyauk Artist. Photographer. General sarcastic, slightly neurotic, personage with insomnia. Also a sci-fi & fantasy geek and wildlife/nature enthusiast.

Jen Campbell said...

Aspiring writer - @aeroplanegirl poet and short story writer who drinks far too much tea. Interviews authors about writing on her blog.

Jane Kirk said...

Aspiring writer - @Jadojane currently writing first draft of fantasy novel. Written unpublished two romantic novels. Started several more novels.

hosia towery said...

Aspiring author: @hosialvot is an occupational therapist dedicated to continuing understanding of multicultural and social intricacies to contribute to best practice OT.

Anonymous said...

Aspiring writer - @ClareKirkp working on first novel, researching second. I enjoy chatting on twitter. Home educating mum of four in my spare time.

Suzanne said...

Aspiring Writer - @suzannebellengr When words don't play nicely I resort to baking, which at least keeps my teenagers happy.

Anonymous said...

Aspiring Writer - @katylittlelady Romantic novelist on my medical notes. Must make this a fact. Blogs on turning writing into more than a hobby.

Kath McGurl said...

I'm a non-tweeter but looking forward to your bookette so I can find out what I'm missing out on!

Unknown said...

Writer: Published Author - @realkaywoodward - Writes children's books. Faffs, makes fairy cakes, takes photos. Tweets about stuff that makes her laugh. [Skate School]

Fleur Capocci said...

Aspiring Writer - @fuzzicle Teaches English to teens, now writing for teens. She just needs to finish a novel, before starting the next one!

Miriam Drori said...

Aspiring writer - @MiriamDrori - Serious about raising awareness of social anxiety, but flippant about everything else. Or not.

Sian said...

Aspiring Writer - @avantword Writing a lot of poetry and keeping an ongoing blog, researching avant-garde and surreal literature and contemporary sound art. Love Twitter, perhaps too much!

Kay Woodward said...

Oh, crikey. I tried SO hard to get it right and then posted as my mother-in-law, Rosalie! (Sorry...)

K.M.Lockwood said...

Aspiring writer -@lockwoodwriter loves books children want to read.Frequent posts about writing on website. Sucker for sea shanties and sherbet lemons.

Unknown said...

Aspiring Writer - @fionamaddock My debut novel, Infinite Loop, is about 'bioengineering meets artificial intelligence',(Speculative Fiction). I'm a #twitaddict.

James Dawson said...

Writer: Published author - @_jamesdawson. Author of the spooky teen Hollow Pike series published by Indigo/Orion. Avid film and music fan and fashionista. (Hollow Pike)

lilla said...

Let me try again:

Nice, friendly and fun - @lillafriend Avid reader, mother to 24 cats, 11 dogs, one pig. Lives in the African bush. Loves cars and cooking

Melissa/Roo Media said...

Writers: Freelance - @roomedia - A horse-riding, space-watching, child-rearing, dog-walking, UK-residing, communication-inspired, multi-genre professional writer. My tweets reflect all of the above!

Marisa Birns said...

Aspiring Writer - @marisabirns Primarily writes short stories. Comes from a journalism background, and is friendly and hopes to be useful not merely decorative.

Sarah Duncan said...

Writer - Published Author @sarahduncan1. Writing contemporary women's fiction and teaching creative writing. Blogs daily on writing craft and Twitters about whatever. (Kissing Mr Wrong).

Catnip said...

Working in the publishing industry: editor - @catnipbooks Independent children’s publisher. Some tweets are professional (editorial ranting and raving), some personal (procrastination), all aim for interesting (well, almost).

BucksWriter said...

Aspiring writer - @BucksWriter - starting out as a freelance and tweeting about books, writing, making things and silliness.

Jackie Bateman said...

Writer: Published Author - @jacbateman - British writer living in beautiful Vancouver. Published several short stories plus the 'genre-busting thriller' Nondescript Rambunctious in 2011.

M Louise Kelly said...

Whoops - why didn't i spot there was a word limit first time round!


Aspiring Writer of Children's/YA fiction @mllouisekelly Writing second novel. Try to tweet about literature but easily led into frivolous nonsense.

Leela Soma said...

Great idea Nicola!
Self published @Glasgowlee author of 'Twice Born'. My 2nd novel has been signed up by a small publisher (yay!) Love twitter!

Richard Wright said...

Writer: Published Author - @richard_wright - English writer of strange, dark fictions, living in and tweeting from India. [Hiram Grange and the Nymphs of Krakow]

Claire said...

Aspiring children's/YA writer- @CL_PICKEN82. I'm having a children's short story included in an anthology to be published this month about a colour blind goblin and I'm currently working on a new YA novel.I'd love to share any writing tips and I'm learning as I go.Really keen to make my writing the best it can be and I'm in awe of how many fab unpublished writers there are out there! Interested in all genres but particularly diverse voices.
Great idea Nicola!

Sarah Callejo said...

Aspiring Writer (spelt that aspirin writer, is that my subconscious betraying me?)- @SCallejo polishing my second novel and hoping to apply everything you've taught me through your blog. Translator in real life.

Susan Abraham said...

Aspiring Writer - @suzabrams Also reviews multicultural literature on her blog.

Rosemary J. Kind said...

Writer Freelance @therealalfiedog writes everything from dog's diary to articles for dog magazines, novels to books on negotiating for lawyers, poetry to satire.(Lovers take up less space)

Lyndsey Davis said...

Aspiring writer: @LyndseyDavis, pioneer-chaplain USN-Ret, reads/writes: non-fiction, fantasy; tweets humor, Kidlit, music, people, food, science/sf, romance, politics & writing

David John Griffin said...

Hi Nicola, hope all's well + thanks for this opportunity!

Aspiring Writer @DavidG_author - writes novels + blogs; tweets writing, photography, art, music mainly. Working on 3rd novel WIP, genre magical realism.


SamuelFurse said...

Aspiring Writer: @SamuelFurse - Scientific research, teaching science, food. Writing a Book called The Chemistry of Food, also a columnist [The Felix, Imperial College London]

Liz said...

children's book reviewer - @armadilliz - writes things about children's books for Armadillo Magazine, usually while eating a range of snacks. tweets loudly & excitedly

Jo said...

Late as usual, sorry Nicola!

Aspiring Writer - @barjoker I drink too much, but I'm trying to learn from my experiences. When I can remember them.

Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, late too - not doing well at keeping up with essentials, like your blog, Nicola, and Twitter... But this is a great idea

Writer: Published Author - @itchofwriting: novelist, short fictioneer; writes about, thinks about, teaches and sometimes hates writing. Specially loves/hates historical fiction. [The Mathematics of Love]

Rebecca Bradley said...

Aspiring writer @RebeccaJBradley Tweets about the journey of writing the first draft. Engages with tweeters about a variety of things relevant to them.

Alan Hamilton said...

Writer:published author -@Alwhammy - writes, edits, speaks, blogs. First novel out late last year. Greedy for recognition from writers I respect.(Two Unknown)_

Maureen Crisp said...

Sorry for being late Nicola.
Writer-Published Author
@craicer children's writer,blogger geek. My blog is a weekly roundup of best links for children's writers. Bones published by Penguin.